Thursday, February 21, 2013

Genl Jan Smuts - Piet C. Swanepoel

P.C. Swanepoel was born on November 1st, 1928. He grew up in the Vryheid district of Natal; was a labourer on the Railways for four months from age 17; a policeman/ detective for 22 years; an Intelligence officer for 15 years and a trout farmer and miller for ten years. For the past 18 years he's been a pain in the neck to his wife, Marina. He just reads and writes, plays solitaire and dreams. 
Sometimes he dreams about two little Republics which existed more than a century ago.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weldade en Misdade - Piet Schoombie

Kortverhale en Artikels
Hierdie bundel bevat vier en twintig lekkerlees kortverhale en artikels oor 'n verskeidenheid onderwerpe en situasies. Sommige daarvan het reeds in 'n e-boek verskyn, maar almal word vir die eerste keer hiermee in gedrukte vorm uitgegee. Die temas van die verskillende geskrifte  in die boek is verteenwoordigend van die eeu oue stryd tussen goed en kwaad. Dit poog om nie net interessant,  opwindend en spannend te wees nie, maar om ook die sosiale gewete van die lesers aan te spreek. Daar is temas van verslawing in verskillende vorms, besoedeling van die natuur en die kuberruimte en van misdaad. Al hierdie verskynsels is soortgelyk aan probleme wat regoor die wêreld voorkom en simptomaties van die hedendaagse lewe is. Daar is ook 'n verhaal met 'n sterk wetenskapsfiksie-inslag.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Walk in a Forester's Boots-Fire

Greg A. Ellis and Ben J. Potgieter

The First Journey: Finding My Feet
Ed Tippett’s journey as a forester in South Africa is one that begins as a naïve newly married young man that introduces him to a ‘forestry lifestyle’.  Through numerous incidents he develops an ever deeper understanding of the forest, the people, and the family but most significantly of himself. 

The theme of fire gives Ed the opportunity to develop his skills in many aspects and brings both the elation of controlling fires, but also the tragedy of the destruction of forests, assets and life.  While there are many characters that influence Ed, none are as significant as his friend Wilbur, who acts as his mentor.  In turn coaching and mentoring become the compelling reason for his being, and the joy and results that are associated with this. 

The trilogy of books sees Ed develop from situational hands on forester, to forestry manager that develops systems, to a regional manager that engages strategies of integration. 

While these books are written using forestry as a ‘platform industry’, the ‘gems of wisdom’ can be applied to any industry, in any country in its wider context, yet is constantly kept real by the interaction at family and relationship level. 

Once you start reading you will not put it down as you become so engrossed with the journey and the wide range of stories of a life that could have been yours in parts, but no one person’s alone.  An epic journey of discovery for the reader who will open their mind for self and organisational improvement.  

Friday, February 8, 2013

Probability Factor - Xander Grobbelaar

Meet Chloe, your not so average, thirteen year old girl.
The year is 2025. A post apocalyptic world with incredible technology and a damaged chaotic society.

Her best friend, Luno, has created a secret agency.
One with an underground town as headquarters.

Join Chloe in a wild adventure through dimensions, ungles, lakes, floating islands and deserts as she joins the fight for a better world against the evil of President Glecious Puma.

Set in a world where the polar ice caps have melted,
where a tyrannical overlord rules and where the
fantastic and extraordinary are possible.

Noodlyn - Chris Wehrman

In hierdie lewensveranderende boek vir leiers op alle vlakke (van ouers tot maatskappybestuur) gee die skrywer Dr Chris Wehrmann duidelike antwoorde op die volgende ses lewensvrae:
1. Wie is jy?
ontdekking van jou innerlike self
2. Waar is jy?
ontdekking van jou groei op aarde
3. Wat maak jy hier?
ontdekking van jou roeping en doel
4. Wat sien jy?
ontdekking van jou gesindheid
5. Wat wil jy hê?
ontdekking van jou begeertes
6. Waar is jou broer?
ontdekking van jou medemenslikheid

Die mens op aarde is soekende na antwoorde op alle terreine van sy menswees – polities, maatskaplik, godsdienstig, ekonomies en veral in die self – sy oorlewing, sy transformasie, groei en ontwikkeling in ‘n vyandige wêreld. Nêrens vind hy vrede en rus nie.

In  Noodlyn vind hy die meesterplan vir hom as mens. Noodlyn stel die mens in staat om ‘n kwaliteitslewe in oorwinning te leef, ongeag die omstandighede en Noodlyn stel die leier en bestuurder in staat om positiewe leiding te neem binne ‘n verwarde en soekende wêreld.

Operational Manual for the Kingdom of God - Chris Wehrman

This Manual is a desperate effort to mobilize The Ambassadors of the only living Almighty God, who created mankind in His own image, put them on Planet Earth with the authority and dominion to subdue all of earth and to be in total control of everything that happens on the face of the earth.  Nothing of this is to be seen as we live on earth in the year 2012!!!

Ambassadeurs vir die Koninkryk van God - Chris Wehrman

Hierdie handleiding is ‘n desperate poging om die Ambassadeurs van die Enigste Lewende, Almagtige God, wat die mensdom na Sy eie beeltenis geskape het en hulle op hierdie aarde geplaas het met die outoriteit en heerskappy om die hele aarde te onderwerp en om totaal in beheer te wees van wat op hierdie aarde aangaan, te mobiliseer. Niks hiervan is egter te sien, soos wat ons vandag op die aarde woon nie.

Built On The Rock - S.S Viviers

This book forms part of Phase B of the Integrated Theological Training Program (ITT) and introduces learners to the Theology of the Church (Ecclesiology). The themes are structured in such a manner that it finally ensures that being a Church designated as the called out ones, believers are empowered to practically apply the message of Christ as salt and light in the world. The Kingdom of God becomes real when we are doing what is right and what is just in the eyes of God. This emphasizes the importance of restoration and transformation as central to the holistic or all inclusive challenge of the Church of Christ as the congregation (gathering) of the Called-out-Ones.

Healed to Proclaim and Restore - S.S Viviers

This work forms part of an Integrated Theological Training program that is based on the needs identified by the Africa Services Training Work Group to introduce spiritual leaders in Africa to systematic theology and the need for a holistic or integrated approach to serving Christ.  The program is the result of the visionary leadership of the Regional Director of Africa Services J P Pretorius who gave the mandate as well as secured the financial support for the development of the material as well as the Training Manager George Bezuidenhout who coordinated the development process and made valuable contributions to the text based on many years of experience in the field while working in Southern Sudan. In order to ensure that I could dedicate myself fulltime to this challenging task I wish to express my gratitude to the Cavers Trust who ensured back-up support that allowed me to do the necessary research before the material was submitted for final evaluation. 

Genl M.C.W. Geldenhuys - van Straaten & Heymans

Genl. Mike Geldenhuys is vir al die lede van die polisie
wat onder hom gedien het, die versinnebeelding van
integriteit en onkreukbaarheid. wat streng dissipline
gehandhaaf het maar nooit onredelike eise gestel het nie.
Ons paaie het gedurende die sewentigerjare gekruis toe
ek die afdelingsbevelvoerder van die veiligheidstakke in
die Vrystaat was en genl. Geldenhuys die hoof van
veiligheid. Wanneer genl. Geldenhuys gebel het, het die
gesprek sonder uitsondering soos volg begin: “Dag my ou maat. Hoe gaan dit met jou?”.
Altyd gemoedelik en vriendelik ongeag hoe groot die krisis ook al was.

Agter Verre Horisonne - Johan van Coller

Hierdie familiesage van 'n Boeregesin, begin in 1898, voor die uitbreek van die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog.  Dis 'n roerende- en boeiende verhaal van 'n egpaar met hul twee seuns en dogter, wat met deursettingsvermoë 'n nuwe begin met boerdery wil gaan maak na herhaalde droogtejare op hul dorre plaas in die verre Wes-Transvaal.  Met net 'n paar honderd pond, pak die gesin die epiese ossewatog aan na waar hulle verneem het die “Beloofde Land” geleë is; die verafgeleë Transvaalse Laeveld, naby die dorpie Nelspruit.  Daar bekom hulle 'n pragtige stuk vrugbare Staatsgrond, en begin met die opbou van hul droom vrugte- en veeplasie.  Wanneer die kapitaal opraak, trek die ondernemende broers met ossewa na die afgeleë jagvelde langs die Lebomboberge, om hopelik met 'n vrag waardevolle ivoor terug te keer. 
     Dan breek die Oorlog uit  en die broers, later ook hul pa, vertrek op kommando teen die gehate Kakies.  Ma en dogter red later op 'n heroïese manier die boerdery van totale uitwissing, wanneer die Britse soldate deur die distrik trek en verwoesting op die plase saai.  Geweef deur die storie, is daar 'n vurige romanse tussen die aantreklike oudste seun, Pieter, en die twee mooie meisies in sy lewe, Clarissa en Ansie.  Later in die Oorlog, red Pieter en sy korps onverskrokke burghers diè twee jong dames uit die onmenslike konsentrasiekamp en neem hulle na veiligheid.
     Net na die Oorlog in 1903, gaan die broers op 'n tweede olifantjagtog;  dis 'n halfjaar lange ekspedisie na die onherbergsame Rufijirivierdelta in Duits-Oos-Afrika.  Tydens hierdie grootse avontuur, bekom die broers 'n groot hoeveelheid ivoor, en dan maak die twee boonop 'n ongelooflike ontdekking in die wildernis wat die gesin eensklaps oppad na welvaart ophef.  Teen die einde is daar 'n dramatiese en onverwagte wending in die liefdesdriehoek tussen Pieter, Clarissa en Ansie.

Generaal Jan Smuts - Swanepoel P.C.

P.C. Swanepoel was born on November 1st, 1928. He grew up in the Vryheid district of Natal; was a labourer on the Railways for four months from age 17; a policeman/ detective for 22 years; an Intelligence officer for 15 years and a trout farmer and miller for ten years. For the past 18 years he's been a pain in the neck to his wife, Marina. He just reads and writes, plays solitaire and dreams.
Sometimes he dreams about two little Republics which existed more than a century ago.

Die Saambou Debakel - Tom Moodie

Lees die verhaal en gebeure agter die skerms wat gelei het tot Saambou se ondergang.

Dit is ’n verhaal van selfsugtige ambisie en rykword gierigheid. ’n Verhaal van persoonlikheidsbotsings, verkeerde besluite en gebrekkige insigte wat geleidelik die fondament waarop Saambou gevestig was, weggekalwe het.

Was die gebeure by Saambou doelbewus beplan? Was daar diefstal en bedrog ter sprake? Was dit dalk bloot ontoereikende beplanning en swak bestuursbesluite? Wat was die “laaste strooi op die kameel se rug”, wat tot Saambou se ondergang gelei het?

En dan is daar ook nog die kwessie van Saambou
se pensioenfonds. Lees van die eienaardige hantering van die surplus van bykans R40 miljoen ten tye van die fonds se likwidasie wat tot gevolg gehad het dat die amptenare en pensioenarisse niks uit die surplus onvang het nie.

Magaliesberg Kaleidoskoop - W. Meyer

For many years members of one family was prominent in the Hartbeespoort area. The first was General Hendrik Schoeman, an intimate friend of President Paul Kruger, who established himself on the banks of the Crocodile River near the poort in 1868 and called his farm Schoemansrus where he eventually built the first dam. Apart from the dam he also visualised a township with industries for the area, but the Anglo Boer War put paid to these plans. After his tragic and controversial demise, his son, Johan Hendrik, went on to realise his father’s dreams and for the first half of the 20th century played a dominant role in the development and promotion of the area. When the government wanted to build a dam in the poort it couldn’t afford to fully compensate the owners of the land in the dam basin. Johan Schoeman made the most of the concessions he was able to extract from the government. This determined the nature and utilisation of property ownership around the lake.

Soldate Wat Wou Marsjeer - Leon Martins

Die boek vertel van die skrywer se ondervinding tydens sy militêre loopbaan as offisier in die SAW.

Hy vertel van sy  betrokkenheid by die    stigting van die Krygsskool en veral opleiding van Kommando lede; die opleiding van lede van die Kaapste Korps tydens geskiedkundige veranderinge in die Korps se uitbreiding, aanwending en politieke aanvaarding; sy diens by Kmdmt Westelike Provinsie en as Sektor Bevelvoerder van Sektor 20.

Deur die boek word staaltjies vertel van wat gebeur het in verskillende eenhede/plekke en genotvolle grensstories.

Shattered Dreams - Jannie Louw

The characters in this story walk through a beautiful land, in which its people are often referred to as the Rainbow Nation. Unfortunately, as in the rainbow myth, there is no road to or pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, only wishing bowls to compensate the dreamers in their search for a better life.

For lovers, it's their gaze at the stars when their cups runneth over. For the hungry its clay pot begging bowls and water carafes for the thirsty. For others it's their desperate vacant stares at the distant mountains from whence the rains should come. There are many other bowls to choose from, like the Sangoma's calabash, in which he'd collect and drink the ox's blood, to celebrate the death of a predator to appease his ancestors. Yes the predator, he who walks in the sun but casts no shadow, whose sole purpose is to maim and destroy the lives of others.

But alas, in the end, no matter what you wish for, the dreams of the Rainbow Nation and the pot of gold exists only in the mind of its people. Freedom has to be paid for in many ways. In the end greed, corruption, crime, incompetence and poverty can and will lead to despair and bring even the strongest to their knees; believers to pray, others to suffer and the confused to come to terms with their consciences in their own way.

Will the politicians' promises of a new life in South Africa materialise or will it bring hardened criminals and murderers into its light, there to count their money, tarnished with the blood of the innocent, in their candle's flickering flame?

Yes, there are times when tears have a value greater than gold.

Bad Blood - Jannie Louw

Old traditions vs New Traditions.

Who would have thought that a school project, although well intended, could have such dire consequences; The destruction of two school boy friendships, the breakup of the Sangomas's home and because of it, the oldest of traditions, an eye for an eye, is  demanded as punishment.

Will the Sangoma succeed in his desperate search for revenge or will he, who casts no shadow escape the elders judgment?

It is also said that Bad Blood can jump generations.

A mother, unable to control her beautiful son, is confronted by her past!  Can it be true? Is that the cause of all her bad luck and the reason for his inexplicable behaviour?

But then, he always enjoyed his nightmares, this time he had the sensation of a stranger trailing him, heard a voice speak to him: Your playground will be where bright lights shine, everyone will know you, your markers will be bold. When you're done, I'll claim your prey, torn from their faith and everything dear , and finally take all their pain away !